A Network of Elders United in Governing the Gates of Every City Across America

Here are the Declarations of the City Elders made together with 60 churches in the Tulsa Metroplex and the State of Oklahoma:
  • We Declare the redeeming power of the Blood of Jesus over this city, county and state.
  • We Declare the forces of hell and darkness have no authority, no legal rights and no jurisdiction to operate here.
  • We Declare the Kingdom of God has come to Tulsa County and the State of Oklahoma.
  • We Declare Jesus Christ is Lord over Tulsa and the inhabitants are His inheritance.
  • We Declare the City of Tulsa is:
    • – A Fortress of Faith
    • – A Garrison of Godliness
    • – A Stronghold of Righteousness
    • – Known as the City of Faith
  • We Declare that, as the people of God and the United Church of the Lord Jesus, we exercise our God-given authority to establish God’s kingdom and righteousness here and now, in the all-powerful name of Jesus! Amen!
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